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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Oklahoma HBCUs: Thoughts?

Hey guys, I'm exploring my college options and I'm considering HBCUs specifically. I heard there's at least one in Oklahoma? Can someone fill me in on what it’s like and if it's got programs worth checking out?

a year ago

Hello there! Yes, indeed Oklahoma has an HBCU named Langston University. As Oklahoma's only HBCU, Langston offers a unique cultural and educational experience. The university is known for a strong sense of community and pride in its heritage. Langston also has a variety of well-regarded programs, including a notable E (K-8) and Special Education program, along with Business, Nursing, and Agricultural Sciences that are quite popular among students.

On a personal level, students often appreciate the close-knit campus life and the supportive environment. They also have some research opportunities and partnerships with larger institutions, which could be quite beneficial depending on your field of study. Remember that visiting the campus and speaking to current students and faculty can give you a more concrete understanding of what life and academics are like there.

Good luck with your college search!

a year ago

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