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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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HBCUs with women's lacrosse - what are my options?

Lacrosse has been a huge part of high school for me, and I don't want to give it up in college. But I really want the HBCU experience. Does anyone know which HBCUs have women's lacrosse teams? Also, how competitive is it to get on the team?

a year ago

I'm glad to hear that you're looking to continue your passion for lacrosse while also seeking the enriching experience an HBCU offers. Currently, Howard University is the only HBCU with a Division I women's lacrosse team. This means the competition to make the team is similar to any DI program—quite competitive, with many players having extensive club experience and high school accolades. To bolster your chances, make sure your skills are sharp, consider attending summer camps, and reach out to the coach with highlights of your playing career. Howard University additionally offers academic and social experiences in an HBCU context that many students find invaluable. If you're open to considering schools beyond HBCUs to continue playing lacrosse, I can help you explore those options as well. Keep honing your skills, both in the classroom and on the field, and best of luck with your applications and tryouts!

a year ago

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