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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Eligibility for HBCU Scholarships as a White Student

I've been actively looking into different universities and I’m particularly intrigued by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). I’m curious, as a white student, am I eligible for scholarships specifically at HBCUs? How would I go about finding those scholarships and are there any that you know of that are welcoming to students of all backgrounds?

11 months ago

Absolutely, you are eligible for scholarships at HBCUs. Most scholarships at HBCUs are based on merit, need, or field of study, rather than ethnicity.

You'll want to start by looking at each HBCU's financial aid website where they list their scholarships to see which ones you might qualify for. Also, check out the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) as it provides scholarships for students attending HBCUs, regardless of race.

It's important to focus on your academic achievements, leadership experiences, and community involvement when applying, as these are key factors in scholarship decisions. Your interest in attending an HBCU can also be a strong point in your applications, so be sure to articulate your reasons why in your essays.

Keep in mind that each HBCU is unique in its offerings, so do take the time to research each school's scholarships to identify the best opportunities for you.

11 months ago

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