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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I get involved with HBCU Air Force ROTC programs?

So I'm in a bit of a dilemma here. I'm really interested in serving and I want to apply for an Air Force ROTC program at an HBCU. Could someone walk me through the process? What should I be aware of when choosing a school, and how competitive are these programs? I'm trying to balance my desire to serve with getting the best possible college experience.

a year ago

Embarking on the path to join an HBCU Air Force ROTC program is a commendable goal. The process to apply for ROTC programs is similar regardless of the school: you’ll need to apply for the ROTC scholarship, which involves an online application, a physical fitness assessment, and an interview.

For HBCUs, many have their own ROTC programs, while others are in crosstown agreements with nearby universities that host the program. It’s essential to research the specific HBCUs you are interested in to understand their ROTC program details. Competitiveness can vary, but programs typically look for students who demonstrate strong leadership potential, academic excellence, and physical fitness.

Balancing your college experience and service desires means looking for programs that offer a supportive environment, resources for cadets, and opportunities for growth both within the ROTC and the larger college community. Reach out to the ROTC admissions officer at the HBCUs on your list for more personalized advice and to get a sense of each program's unique offerings and atmosphere.

a year ago

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