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Looking for an HBCU with a Game Design major – any recommendations?

Alright, I know this might be a bit niche, but I'm a high school junior totally into game design and development. It would mean a lot to me to combine this passion with the culture and environment of an HBCU. Does anybody know of HBCUs that have a major or concentration in Game Design?

a year ago

Hey there! It's fantastic that you're considering combining your passion for game design with the supportive and enriching environment that HBCUs provide. While it's true that specialized majors like Game Design might be less common at HBCUs, there are definitely options you can explore.

For instance, check out Morehouse College in Atlanta, which has recently started offering a minor in Game Design and Development in partnership with an industry leader in software development. Additionally, Hampton University in Virginia offers a program in their Computer Science department where students can focus on game design elements. I'd also recommend looking beyond specific 'Game Design' titles in the major. Seek out Computer Science or Digital Media programs, as they often provide the foundational skills and elective courses that are relevant to game design.

Last but not least, don't hesitate to reach out to admissions offices at HBCUs to ask about the possibility of individualized study paths; they're usually keen to accommodate passionate students like yourself!

a year ago

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