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Which HBCUs offer radiology programs?

I'm diving deep into my college search and I'm pretty set on radiology. I'd love to maintain my cultural heritage as I pursue this, so I'm wondering if any of you know of HBCUs that offer strong radiology programs? Also, what kind of clinical exposure or tech certifications might I get there?

a year ago

Certainly! It's excellent that you have a clear idea of your study path, and intertwining it with your cultural heritage can make for an enriching college experience. Howard University is known for its strong health sciences programs and offers a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science, which includes coursework that can be a stepping stone into radiology. Another notable institution is Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU), which offers a program in radiologic technology.

Clinical exposure will vary by program, but most accredited radiologic programs make partnerships with local hospitals and clinics a priority to give students practical, hands-on experience. As for certifications, programs generally prepare students for relevant credentialing exams, such as those offered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). You'll find that these certifications are essential for your professional practice post-graduation.

Be sure to reach out to admissions offices or program coordinators for specific information on clinical rotations and certification preparation at the HBCUs you're interested in. Best of luck in your search and studies!

a year ago

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