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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Are there notable HBCU law schools in Atlanta?

Hey y'all, getting a little stressed as junior year is moving so fast. I'm set on law and seriously considering Atlanta for college due to family ties. Do any of the HBCUs in Atlanta have law schools, and what's their reputation like? Would love to hear from someone who has gone this route or has looked into it!

a year ago

Absolutely, if you are looking at HBCUs with strong law programs, you'll be interested to know about the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. Although it's not located in Atlanta, it's notable and bears mention as an HBCU with a reputable law program that you might consider, especially since HBCUs are known for their supportive environments and strong community ties.

As for Atlanta specifically, while there are prestigious HBCUs like Morehouse College and Spelman College, they do not have law schools associated with them. However, they do offer pre-law advising to prepare students for law school. It's critical to consider the pathways these institutions provide for their students into law careers. Don't hesitate to reach out to the admissions or career services departments of these schools to ask about their pre-law advising and resources. They can give you insights into their acceptance rates into law schools and the type of support you can expect as a pre-law student.

Good luck with your search, and remember, it's never too early to start looking into these programs and seeing how they align with your academic and career goals!

a year ago

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