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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there any HBCU medical schools in Florida, and what are their reputations?

Hey everyone! So, I've been looking at potentially attending an HBCU for med school and was really curious if there are any located in Florida. Also, if you happen to know how they're viewed in terms of reputation and residency placements, that would be super helpful!

a year ago

Hello there! There's one HBCU medical school in Florida known as the Charles R. Drew/Jackson Memorial Hospital at the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) in Tallahassee. This program is part of FAMU's College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, which is lauded for its commitment to research and serving underserved communities.

In terms of reputation, graduates from FAMU are known to be well-prepared for their residencies and have a history of successfully matching to programs across the country. The school places a strong emphasis on primary care and serving rural or minority populations, making it unique in its mission and focus. Despite being less well-known than some Ivy League institutions, FAMU and other HBCU medical schools are respected for their dedication to healthcare equity and diversity in the medical field. I hope this information helps!

a year ago

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