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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Most underrated colleges in the US?

Hi everyone, I've been compiling my college list recently, but I want to explore a few options that are often overlooked. What are some of the most underrated colleges in the U.S that you think deserve more recognition for their quality of education and student life? Thanks for your help!

2 months ago

Absolutely, there are indeed several underrated schools that offer excellent educational experiences and vibrant student life. Here are a few that come to mind:

1. University of Rochester: Located in Rochester, New York, the UoR emphasizes a curriculum that encourages students to study based on their individual interests. Their notable programs include optical engineering and music.

2. Reed College: Located in Portland, Oregon, Reed provides an education rooted in the traditional liberal arts. Reed may be small, but it enjoys high student satisfaction ratings and a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching.

These are just a few examples - there are many more 'hidden gems' out there. When considering underrated colleges, it can be beneficial to identify what's most important to you (e.g. smaller class sizes, specific majors, location, study abroad programs). This will help you find schools that are a great match and may be more likely to appreciate your strengths as an applicant.

2 months ago

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