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Who Offers the Most Scholarships Among Ohio Colleges?

Howdy, guys! I've been focusing on Ohio colleges for my upcoming applications. Can you guys help me identify the ones that offer the most scholarships? Any insights on the types and numbers of scholarships that typical high-ranking Ohio colleges usually offer? Thank you!

2 months ago

Sure thing! It's great that you're mapping out your scholarship opportunities early.

Ohio is home to multiple colleges known to provide generous scholarships to both in-state and out-of-state students. Here are a few of them:

1. The Ohio State University: Ohio State offers scholarships through the Stamps Eminence Fellows Program and Scholarship. The program covers the full cost of attendance for in-state students and provides an enrichment grant up to $5,000 accessible after the first year of successful study. Additionally, the university has the Land Grant Opportunity Scholarship, which covers full cost of attendance for in-state students. It's worth mentioning that Ohio State also offers a variety of departmental scholarships.

2. Case Western Reserve University: Case Western provides merit-based scholarships that can go up to the value of full tuition. They offer the University Scholarship (academic merit-based) which ranges between $15,000 to full tuition, and the Leadership Scholarship, which covers full tuition for a select number of students based on leadership qualities.

3. Miami University: This institution is generous with aid, offering a wide range of merit scholarship options. The RedHawk Excellence Scholarship, for example, offers between $3,000 and $8,000 annually to high academically achieving students. Miami University also provides the Presidential Fellows Scholarship which equates to full tuition, room and board, and book fees.

4. Denison University: Denison offers both Need-Based Scholarships and the Denison Scholarships which are a set of merit-based awards. These can range from partial to full-tuition scholarships.

5. University of Dayton: They offer quite a few scholarships for students, such as the Dayton Flyers First Scholarship, which is aviation-themed and offers full-tuition coverage for winners.

6. University of Cincinnati: They offer several scholarships including the Cincinnatus Scholarship which can go up to full tuition, room, and board.

Remember that many scholarships have separate applications and deadlines, so it's important to stay organized and apply early. Use the net price calculators on each university's website to get an estimate of what your financial aid package might look like, including scholarships and grants. Good luck with your applications!

2 months ago

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