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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are popular fields of study for college students?

I'm kinda on the fence when it comes to picking a major. I wonder what most current college students are studying... Any ideas or sources I could check out?

4 months ago

Sure, choosing a major can certainly be a challenge given the breadth of choices available to you. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the most popular fields of study among undergraduate students in the U.S. include:

1. Business: Many students choose business majors like management, marketing, finance, and accounting due to its wide range of career paths.

2. Health Professions: This includes nursing, pre-med and health administration, among others, and has been increasingly popular due to healthcare sector growth.

3. Social Sciences: This encompasses majors such as psychology, economics, and political science that provide groundwork for various careers.

4. Biological and Biomedical Sciences: This includes fields related to biology, biochemistry, and other life sciences.

5. Education: A significant number of students study to become future educators. The specifics can range from early childhood education to high school teaching.

Of course, these are just some of the most popular fields. Ultimately, you should seek out a field that aligns well with your interests, strengths, and medium-to-long term career goals. Look to your favorite high school classes or hobbies for inspiration. You can also speak to a career counselor, or even attend college fairs and speak to college admissions representatives to gain insight into different programs that colleges offer. Remember, it's okay to enter college undecided about your major, as many students end up changing their major at least once during their college journey.

4 months ago

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