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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Experience with HBCU Greek life?

Hey everyone, I've been looking into Greek life as part of my college experience and the unique culture at HBCUs has caught my eye. How does sorority and fraternity life at HBCUs compare to that of PWIs? I'm especially interested in the strolls and step shows! If you've been part of an HBCU sorority or fraternity, could you share what makes it special?

a year ago

Hello there! My son is currently attending an HBCU and is active in Greek life, so I've had the chance to learn about this firsthand. Greek life at HBCUs carries a profound sense of history and pride. It's much more than just social activities; there's a deep-rooted commitment to community service, academic excellence, and lifetime brotherhood or sisterhood.

Strolls and step shows are probably some of the most visible and vibrant aspects of this culture. These performances are not just entertainment; they're filled with traditions, each step and song carrying meanings and stories of the fraternity's or sorority's heritage. My son talks about the camaraderie and how participating in these events strengthens their bonds and honors their legacy. What makes it special is the feeling of being part of a lineage that's impacted the community positively and championed civil rights.

If you're looking for a sense of belonging and a way to contribute to something bigger, you'll find Greek life at an HBCU to be a rich and fulfilling experience. I'd suggest you also attend some campus events if you can or connect with current members through social media to get a firsthand account and feel for what it's all about!

a year ago

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