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What are the notable HBCUs in Miami, and what programs do they boast?

Hi all! I'm considering applying to HBCUs and I have a particular interest in schools located in or near Miami. Can anyone highlight the prominent HBCUs there and what kind of programs, especially in the arts or sciences, they offer?

a year ago

Hi! As someone who has helped a child navigate the college search, I can share a bit of what we learned about HBCUs near Miami. While Miami itself doesn't have a large number of HBCUs, Florida does have several.

One that comes to mind is Florida Memorial University, located in Miami Gardens, which is part of the Miami metropolitan area. This university offers a variety of programs, including those in the arts and sciences. They have a well-regarded music program, especially known for its jazz studies and choral ensembles. In the sciences, they offer degrees in biology, chemistry, and environmental studies, just to name a few.

If you're willing to consider schools a little outside of Miami, Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach also has robust programs in both the performing arts and the sciences. It could be a great fit if you're looking for a strong HBCU community with options in your fields of interest. Best of luck with your college search – I know how exciting and overwhelming it can be, so I hope this info helps a bit!

a year ago

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