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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Most Colleges per Capita: Which City?

Hey guys! I'm curious and need some input. I want to know which city in the U.S. has the most colleges per capita? I think it could product a vibrant and educational environment.

2 months ago

Hello there! The city in the U.S. often cited as having the highest number of colleges per capita is actually Boston, Massachusetts. It's home to many higher education institutions, from internationally-renowned research universities like Harvard and MIT, to smaller liberal arts colleges, and everything in between. Boston indeed has a vibrant academic atmosphere and is often referred to as the "Athens of America" because of the abundance of colleges and universities located there. The city also boasts several student festivals, academic conventions, and scholarly activities that reflect its regulation and commitment to education. Remember, though, a city with a high number of colleges doesn't necessarily mean it's the best fit for you. It's important to also investigate the types of universities and colleges, their size, their focus, and whether they align with your interests and career goals.

2 months ago

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