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How can I find a list of HBCU dance teams to join?

I’m a junior thinking ahead to my college apps and I honestly can't imagine college without dance being a big part of it. I've always been fascinated by the energy at HBCUs and their awesome dance performances. Could someone point me in the direction of where I can find a comprehensive list of dance teams at HBCUs? I want to start researching the culture and maybe reaching out to coaches or current members for advice on auditions and the experience overall.

a year ago

Your enthusiasm for dance is truly inspiring! A good starting point for finding HBCU dance teams would be to check out the websites of the colleges you're interested in. Usually, they'll have a section dedicated to student life or athletics where they list their clubs and activities, including dance teams.

Also, consider using social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok where many of these teams have a strong presence and showcase their routines and events. For a more centralized resource, the National Museum of African American Music offers an HBCU Collegiate Performing Arts Directory, which could be of immense help.

Once you've compiled the list of teams you're interested in, reaching out to them directly, as you mentioned, is a fantastic idea. Coaches and team members typically welcome inquiries, as thinking about who could be joining in the future gets them excited, and they can provide you with specific information on audition requirements and team culture.

Remember, don't hesitate to ask how they integrate dance into the overall college experience, as you want to make sure you end up at a school that's a good match for you even when you're not dancing. Lastly, don't overlook attending performances or competitions—they are great opportunities to witness the team dynamics firsthand.

Wishing you the best on your dance journey!

a year ago

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