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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Scripps College's beautiful campus?

I've heard Scripps College has one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. To anyone who's visited or goes there, is it really that stunning? Would love to hear more about what makes it so special!

4 months ago

Scripps College is indeed known for its scenic and charming campus layout. The campus's architectural style is historic Spanish colonial revival, which blends seamlessly into the carefully manicured gardens and olive trees strewn across the campus. The school even boasts a rose garden and a walled garden named after the school's founder, Ellen Browning Scripps.

The campus's central location in the Claremont Colleges consortium means that students have access to the amenities of the other colleges too. The school's green initiatives have also resulted in a sustainable and environment-friendly campus.

Moreover, the outdoor art installations and sculptures are thoughtfully curated and help foster a creative and intellectual environment. Scripps also maintains a Mediterranean-style climate, providing plenty of sunshine for outdoor studying or relaxation. It's one of those campuses where beauty and learning go hand in hand, fostering an environment that advocates both intellectual growth and well-being.

That being said, while physical beauty is an asset, ensure you're also considering academic fit, faculty accessibility, community, and other factors that will play a significant role in your college experience. Always good to choose a college where you feel you could be most successful, and not just based on its physical appeal. Let me know if you have any other questions!

4 months ago

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