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Which HBCUs have notable climate change programs or conferences?

Hey everyone, really passionate about climate change here and looking for colleges that align with my interests. I've heard HBCUs have a strong sense of community and support for global issues. Does anyone know which HBCUs host climate change conferences or provide solid environmental science programs?

a year ago

I completely share your enthusiasm for finding institutions that prioritize environmental advocacy. Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) often offer unique perspectives on environmental science, such as how climate change impacts some groups more than others, along with active campus communities.

For notable programs, Howard University is known for its strong environmental science offerings and extensive research opportunities for students. They’ve also been known to host various symposiums focused on environmental issues—being in D.C., right down the street from the Environmental Protection Agency, is definitely a plus if this field is your passion!

Another institution with a robust environmental program is Florida A&M University (FAMU). They have a renowned School of the Environment which is renowned for its research and community engagement in environmental policy. Additionally, Spelman College has actively engaged in sustainability initiatives and related conferences.

Many HBCUs are integrating sustainability and environmental justice into their curriculum given the intersectionality with social justice issues mentioned above. It's advisable to reach out to the admissions or even environmental sciences departments directly of HBCUs you're interested for the most up-to-date information on upcoming conferences, events, and other program-specific offerings.

Your passion for climate change is commendable, and HBCUs can provide you with a supportive community while you delve into this crucial field!

a year ago

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