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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How accessible are scholarships specifically for HBCU students?

So I've been exploring scholarship options and I noticed some are geared towards students attending HBCUs. Does anyone here have experience applying for these? How competitive are they and what's the process like? Any tips on where to find these scholarships and how to increase my chances of getting one?

a year ago

Hey there! Good question, you've tapped into a really great resource. Scholarships for students attending HBCUs can be quite accessible, but like many scholarships, they do vary in competitiveness.

To find these scholarships, I recommend starting with the financial aid office at the HBCUs you're interested in, as they'll have a list of scholarships you may be eligible for. Additionally, check out organizations like the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) which offer scholarships for HBCU students.

While each one may have a slightly different focus, the application process typically involves providing your academic records, financial need information, and often, an essay or personal statement. To boost your chances, focus on maintaining a strong GPA, getting involved in extracurricular activities (particularly ones in which you can take on leadership roles), and developing a compelling narrative for your personal statement.

Finally, remember to pay close attention to deadlines and requirements for each scholarship, and apply to as many as you qualify for to increase your chances of receiving one—just be sure you're still able to put your best foot forward in each application, of course. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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