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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the most boring subject in high school in your opinion?

Hey fellow students, I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed with course selection for next year. Which subjects would you consider to be the most boring in high school and why? Your answers might help me make a more informed decision. Thanks!

4 months ago

In the spirit of candidness, it's crucial to remember that what one student finds dull, another may find fascinating—it boils down to personal interest and future goals. However, I've heard from a good number of students that classes heavy on memorization, like traditional history or biology classes, can sometimes feel a bit monotonous.

This mainly comes from the teaching methods often employed in these classes, which can focus less on critical thinking and more on rote memorization of specific events, dates, or processes. If interactive and engaging pedagogies are more your style, you might find these subjects challenging to stay focused on.

On the flip side, these subjects can provide solid foundations for more specialized courses later on. Plus, understanding our historical past and biological systems is undeniably important. Ultimately, it's best to align your subjects of choice with your plans and current interests, rather than just picking or dropping a subject due to its perceived boredom level.

4 months ago

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