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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How strong is the sense of community at HBCUs, and does it differ notably by region, such as in North Carolina?

I've heard that HBCUs have an amazing community vibe and I'm here for it! But does anyone know if there's a significant difference in the sense of unity or the types of community activities offered at HBCUs in different states like North Carolina, for example? How important should the strength of the community be in my decision-making?

11 months ago

While each HBCU has a distinct personality, influenced by its location, history, and traditions, the core ethos of unity and support often remains consistent. That said, it's always good to visit the campus if possible, or connect with current students and alumni, to get a firsthand take on the community aspect. In North Carolina, for example, there's a rich legacy of HBCUs, and each tends to have strong ties to its local community with various cultural events and outreach programs.

In considering the strength of the community in your decision-making, reflect on how much you value a supportive, tight-knit environment. If it's high on your list, then the sense of community should certainly weigh significantly in your college choice. Hope this helps!

11 months ago

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