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Realistic ACT Practice With Parent Proctoring?

I've read a few posts about setting up a realistic ACT practice test environment at home. Has anyone tried this with a parent proctoring? I feel like it could either be helpful or just add extra pressure. Thoughts? Experiences? I want to make sure I'm prepping as effectively as possible without freaking out. Tips welcomed!

a year ago

Absolutely, simulating the actual test environment can be a beneficial part of preparing for the ACT. Having a parent proctor your practice tests can add a layer of authenticity to the experience, although it's important that this doesn't lead to additional stress.

Here's a tip: outline clear boundaries and expectations with your parent before starting. For instance, they should mimic the timing and breaks of the actual ACT. Encouragement and reminders about remaining calm can also be part of your agreed approach. Yet, it's key that they remain neutral and avoid being overly critical or pressuring, as that would defeat the purpose of the exercise.

Additionally, be sure to simulate other test conditions such as using a No. 2 pencil, having a good quality eraser, and utilizing a bubble sheet for answers. This will help you become familiar with the test format and manage your time effectively. Remember, the goal is to make your practice as productive as possible, not to add unnecessary anxiety.

If you find that having a parent proctor is making you anxious, it may be worth considering other alternatives such as self-timing or asking another family member or friend to assist. Good luck with your preparation!

a year ago

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