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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to showcase my creative side in college apps?

I'm super into painting and graphic design and I've heard that showing your creative side can help your college apps. But I'm not sure how to do this effectively. What are some examples or ways that you guys have presented your creativity in your applications? Do I just talk about it in my essays or are there more impactful ways?

a year ago

Hey there! Incorporating artistic talents can really help an application shine. For example, a student who is into photography could write a narrative in their personal statement about how they see the world through their camera lens, then could link this perspective to broader values and life goals. An approach like this can be personal and engaging, and it can show how you think, not just what you do.

Also, you should include a portfolio as a supplement to your application, which is often allowed—and sometimes required—by artistic programs at colleges. In your case, a portfolio of your best paintings and graphic designs would be a strong testament to your skills.

Also, make sure to list any exhibitions or competitions you've participated in under the activities section. If you’ve done any internships or freelancing, or if you run a small business around your art, that's gold—include all of it! Make sure each description shows impact and leadership where possible.

Lastly, if you've contributed to your school or local community through your art (like painting a mural, for example), highlight that experience as well. Schools love seeing creativity used to make a positive impact. Wishing you the best—let your creativity light up your application!

a year ago

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