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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Cheapest Colleges?

Hey everyone! Hope your day's going well. Just out of curiosity, do you guys know some of the most affordable colleges in the US? I'm trying to balance quality education with affordability, so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

7 hours ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering the financial side of college selection. Indeed, many high quality institutions can be surprisingly affordable.

Firstly, you might want to look at schools that guarantee to cover full demonstrated financial need. Some of these include Amherst College, Duke University, Harvard University, Pomona College, Swarthmore College, and Yale University. In these schools, if you're admitted, your financial aid package will cover the full gap between your family's expected contribution and the cost of attendance, potentially making them much more affordable than their sticker prices would suggest.

Secondly, public universities are a great place to consider as they tend to have lower tuitions, especially for in-state students. For example, schools within the University of California system, such as UC Riverside and UC Irvine, are known for quality education at lower prices. Similarly, some state universities like University of Florida, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and University of Wisconsin-Madison offer great value for your money.

Lastly, don't forget that community college is a good, inexpensive option for the first two years of college. Many students attend a community college before transitioning to a four-year institution. This permits achieving a degree at a reduced cost.

Remember, while tuition is an important factor, you should also account for scholarships, grants, and aid that can substantially decrease your actual cost. Good luck with college search!

7 hours ago

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