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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Opportunities at HBCUs in Raleigh, NC - Help a junior out?

Raleigh seems to have a good education scene, but I'm curious about the HBCUs there. Can anyone share what kind of opportunities – like internships, research, or strong programs – they offer?

a year ago

Raleigh does indeed have a vibrant education scene, and its HBCUs provide a host of opportunities for students. Shaw University and Saint Augustine's University are both located in Raleigh and have solid reputations for nurturing student growth. Shaw, being the oldest HBCU in the South, has a strong network and offers internship opportunities across various fields. Their STEM programs, in particular, have great partnerships with industry leaders which can lead to hands-on experiences.

Saint Augustine's University, on the other hand, is known for its strong programs in the social sciences and humanities, and they offer research opportunities through their faculty-led projects. If you're considering education or public policy fields, Saint Augustine's has an impressive track record of placing students in relevant internships within North Carolina's capital city, which houses many nonprofit and government organizations.

Both universities have strong alumni networks, vibrant campus cultures, and a commitment to community service. An HBCU education is as much about the academic as it is about cultural and personal development. I encourage you to get in touch with their admissions offices or visit their websites to ask about specific programs you're interested in; they can provide more tailored information and perhaps even connect you with current students or faculty to discuss your future goals and how their institution might help you achieve them.

a year ago

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