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What are the most common high school entrance exams?

Hey folks, my younger sibling is about to start preparing for high school and they’re a tad bit worried about entrance exams. What are some of the most common entrance exams for high schools?

2 months ago

For many private and selective high schools, standardized entrance exams are a substantial part of the admissions process. The most common ones include:

1. SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test): The SSAT measures the basic verbal, math, and reading skills students need for successful performance in independent schools. It consists of a brief essay and multiple-choice questions. There are three levels: Elementary (for students currently in grades 3-4), Middle (for students currently in grades 5-7), and Upper (for students currently in grades 8-11).

2. ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam): Like the SSAT, the ISEE is used for admission to private middle and high schools. It has five parts: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, mathematics achievement, and an essay. There are four levels: Primary (for entrance to grades 2-4), Lower (for entrance to grades 5-6), Middle (for entrance to grades 7-8), and Upper (for entrance to grades 9-12).

3. HSPT (High School Placement Test): The HSPT is often given to students who are applying to Catholic private high schools. The test includes sections on verbal skills, quantitative skills, reading, math, language, science, and mechanical aptitude, however not all schools may require all sections.

Each of these exams is slightly different, so it's important to understand which one(s) your sibling's prospective school(s) requires. Also, preparation will vary for each exam. Regular practice with official or official-style practice problems is key. Happy studying!

2 months ago

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