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Typical songs played by high school bands?

Hey, I'm trying to get an idea of the kind of music that our high school band might be playing next year, do you guys know what the most common songs played by high school bands are?

4 months ago

The type of music performed by high school bands can vary considerably based on factors such as the group's skill level, the school's traditions, and the musical preferences of the band director. However, there are some pieces that have stood the test of time and remain popular in school band repertoires.

Depending on your band's level, some common concert band songs might include "The Great Locomotive Chase" by Robert W. Smith, "Air for Band" by Frank Erickson, and classics like "Holst's First Suite in E-flat" or "Second Suite in F".

Marching bands often perform well-known pop songs or classic rock anthems. Some staple choices would be "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond or "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes.

In pep bands, you'll hear a lot of pop and rock songs that are staples of sporting events like "We Will Rock You."

Remember, these are just some examples and the actual repertoire of your high school band might be quite different depending on various factors.

4 months ago

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