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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Strategies for balancing a low SAT/ACT score with a high GPA?

Hi everyone. I'm a little stressed because my SAT/ACT score is not as high as I expected, but I do have a strong GPA. What strategies can I use in the college admissions process to play up my GPA and mitigate the impact of my lower test score?

a year ago

Totally understand why you're feeling stressed, but remember that a strong GPA already speaks volumes about your academic abilities. Colleges appreciate consistency and dedication to coursework, which a high GPA indicates. If standardized test scores aren't showcasing your potential, you might consider applying to test-optional universities where high-stress exam conditions aren't factored into your application.

Additionally, focus on crafting compelling essays, securing strong letters of recommendation, and presenting a well-rounded application highlighting your extracurricular involvement, leadership roles, and any unique experiences that tell your personal story.

Remember, your test scores are just one part of your application, and many colleges emphasize a holistic review process. If you excel in areas like creativity, character, and commitment, make sure that comes across in your application. Schools are looking for students who will contribute to campus life in meaningful ways, not just those who excel on standardized tests.

a year ago

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