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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I get a quality online graduate certificate from an HBCU?

Hope you're all doing well! I'm looking into online graduate certificate programs, and I'd love to support HBCUs. Does anyone know of HBCUs that offer reputable online graduate certificate programs that employers respect?

a year ago

Absolutely, HBCUs offer a variety of online graduate certificate programs that are well-respected by employers. Since each field and employer can have different preferences or perceived values when it comes to educational programs, I'd recommend checking specific program accreditations and faculty credentials as part of your research.

For example, Howard University offers online programs in areas such as business and education, and they are renowned for their strong alumni network. Similarly, Florida A&M University provides several online options that are quite in-depth and are known for their commitment to academic excellence. To gather more information on the certificate's industry relevance, reaching out to alumni through LinkedIn or the school's career center could provide valuable insights. This strategy would help ensure that you find a program that not only supports HBCUs but also meets your career goals and is held in high regard within your industry.

a year ago

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