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Which Colleges Make the Most NFL Players?

I'm a junior and an aspiring NFL player! I would love to receive some guidance or statistics on what colleges produce the most NFL players. This info might help in deciding my college preferences.

2 months ago

Well, your ambition is quite commendable! When it comes to which colleges produce the most NFL players, the list tends to be led by large football powerhouse schools. Historically, schools like the University of Miami (Miami), University of Alabama (Alabama), and Ohio State University (OSU) have consistently produced many NFL players. However, keep in mind that this is not a definitive rule, and players have made it to NFL from a variety of universities.

1. University of Miami - The Hurricanes have a rich history of sending players to the NFL, especially considering the school's modest size relative to many other football powerhouses.

2. Louisiana State University - LSU continues to send players to the NFL in exceptional numbers across several positions.

3. University of Southern California - USC has long been a dominant force in the collegiate football scene and a consistent producer of NFL talent.

4. University of Alabama - Under head coach Nick Saban, Alabama has become one of the top NFL feeders.

5. Ohio State University - OSU regularly churns out NFL-level talent, thanks to its consistently high rankings and strong conference play in the Big Ten.

6. University of Florida - The Gators have a long and storied history, producing many professional players through their consistency and high-level play in the SEC.

While these colleges tend to produce lots of NFL players, remember that getting to the NFL is not solely about the school you attend. A lot of it has to do with hard work, skill, and determination. Also, remember to consider other factors such as academic programs, campus life, and location when choosing your college. Good luck with your journey!

2 months ago

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