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Does participating in an HBCU flag team benefit college admissions?

So, I’ve been part of my high school’s flag team for two years and I’m hoping to continue in college. Do HBCUs with flag teams consider this as an extracurricular when looking at applications? Also, would love to know if there are scholarships for this activity?

11 months ago

Hello there! Absolutely, participation in a flag team can be considered an extracurricular activity by HBCUs, and it shows your commitment and passion for an activity over time. It will be part of how they view your overall involvement in school activities. As for scholarships, while flag team-specific scholarships might be less common, some schools do offer scholarships for students who contribute to the school's spirit and activities. I encourage you to reach out directly to the HBCUs you're interested in and ask about any performance arts or team-based scholarships they might offer.

Keep in mind that most extracurriculars fall into Tier 3 or 4 of the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars. Flag team participation would generally be considered a Tier 4 activity, meaning it's fairly common. However, if you have a leadership role in the team or have achieved recognition at a higher level, it might move up in significance. It's always a good idea to highlight any leadership roles, special performances, or involvement in organizing team events in your applications to demonstrate the depth of your involvement. Best of luck with your college journey!

11 months ago

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