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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there HBCUs in Los Angeles, and how are their arts programs?

Trying to find an HBCU with a strong arts program, and someone mentioned LA might have one? Anyone has the scoop on this?

11 months ago

While there are no historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) located directly in Los Angeles, California is home to one HBCU, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, which is in the LA vicinity. However, its primary focus is on health sciences rather than arts. If the arts are your passion, you might want to consider HBCUs known for strong arts programs like Howard University (in Washington D.C.) or Spelman College (in Atlanta, Georgia), which offer esteemed programs in various artistic disciplines.

When seeking strong arts programs, it's beneficial to review the course offerings, faculty, resources such as studios and performance spaces, as well as the alumni network and career outcomes. Researching the successes of the programs' graduates can provide insight into the quality of the education you'll receive and the opportunities that may be available post-graduation. Don't hesitate to contact admissions offices directly to ask about their arts programs and any partnerships with local arts institutions they may have.

11 months ago

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