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Do any of you guys know anything about the cost of private high school tuition at the priciest schools?

I was wondering if anyone could fill me in on just how hefty the price tag can get for tuition at some of the most expensive private high schools. Is the cost often more than the average annual college tuition?

2 months ago

Private high school tuition can indeed get quite high, particularly in urban areas, or for boarding schools that include room and board in their costs. While tuition varies greatly by region and the school's reputation, the most expensive private high schools can charge tuition rates that exceed the average annual college tuition.

For instance, some of the most expensive private high schools in the United States charge more than $50,000 per year. This is in line with the average cost of private college tuition, which was about $36,880 for the 2019-2020 school year (although some private universities can easily exceed that with tuitions ranging up to $60,000 or even more).

Also worth noting is that these tuition fees often don't include all costs associated with attending the school. Extras can include various fees, books, uniform, transportation, and more. For boarding schools, room and board would be additional.

However, many private schools offer financial aid programs to help offset these costs, so the sticker price isn't necessarily what every family pays. It certainly can be startling to see those high numbers, though! Do look into scholarships and financial aid if private school is something that you're seriously considering.

2 months ago

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