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Theatre Programs at HBCUs—Any Recommendations?

I'm a junior in high school and theatre is my passion. I've been looking into HBCUs for college, and I'm curious if any of you have recommendations for HBCUs with strong theatre programs. I'm hoping to find a school with a vibrant performing arts community and good connections to the industry.

a year ago

I'm glad to hear about your passion for theatre and your interest in attending an HBCU! It's fantastic that you're seeking a vibrant arts community and strong industry connections. Howard University is renowned for its fine arts programs, including theatre. With notable alumni like Phylicia Rashad and Taraji P. Henson, Howard's theatre program offers a robust performing arts education with chances for networking.

Another HBCU to consider is North Carolina Central University, which provides a comprehensive theatre program known for its quality productions and commitment to African American theatre. Additionally, Spelman College, through its partnership with Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University, provides a dynamic arts scene. Their program focuses on cultivating talented actors, directors, and technicians, with ample opportunities for performance and engagement with the industry.

Stay focused on your passion and continue to refine your craft during your senior year. Don't forget to visit campuses if you can, attend performances, and chat with current students and faculty to get a true feel for the programs. All the best on your journey towards finding the right HBCU for your theatre aspirations!

a year ago

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