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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When is the peak application time for most colleges?

I'm currently mapping out my plan for college applications next year (yes, I'm an over-planner 🙈). I'm wondering though, is there a specific time or month when colleges usually receive the most applications? Would it be better to apply before or after this peak period?

2 months ago

The bulk of applications tend to hit college admissions offices close to the official deadlines. For early action and early decision, the deadline is typically November 1st or 15th, and for regular decisions, it's usually January 1st or 15th. As such, you might infer that late October and late December are the peak times for application submissions.

Sending in your application before the peak period could have a slight advantage. It might ensure that your file is processed earlier and gives you a bit of a buffer in case any issues arise with your application. But ultimately, it's most important to submit a strong, complete application. Whether you submit it a month before the deadline or on the deadline itself, as long as it's within the dates provided by the school, it will be given equal consideration.

Also, do try to avoid submitting your application at the very last minute - technical issues can and do occur, and you don't want to miss a deadline because your internet went down, or the college's submission portal was slow due to a high volume of last-minute submissions.

To provide more specific advice, always check the specific deadlines for each college, as they can vary. Additionally, be sure to confirm the timeline if you're participating in a rolling admissions program, where applications are reviewed as they are received. In that case, applying earlier might be advantageous.

Lastly, make sure you allow plenty of time for writing essays, gathering letters of recommendation, and filling out all necessary forms. Good luck with your planning!

2 months ago

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