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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colleges with the most accessible professors?

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had a list or recommendations on which colleges are known for having the most accessible professors? I really value personal attention and support in my education, so it's a pretty big factor for me.

2 months ago

Sure, I can provide some recommendations! Small liberal arts colleges and universities, due to their small class sizes and emphasis on a more personalized education, are generally known for accessible and supportive professors. Here are a few that consistently rank high for professor accessibility:

1. Swarthmore College: Known for its intense academics and highly intellectual student body. The faculty-to-student ratio is 8:1, and the school has a culture of openness and accessibility.

2. Reed College: Reed professors are known for their dedication to teaching and their approachability. The faculty-to-student ratio is 9:1 and classes of 20 students or fewer are the norm.

3. Carleton College: Carleton's 9:1 student-to-faculty ratio guarantees individualized attention. Professors often host events at their homes and engage in extracurricular activities with students.

4. Pomona College: With a 7:1 faculty-student ratio, Pomona's professors are regularly available to students for study help and career guidance.

5. Bates College: Its 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio ensures class sizes are small and professors are easily accessible. The college culture encourages close collaborations between faculty and students.

If you're looking for larger universities instead, consider those with a strong college-wide commitment to undergraduate teaching. For example, Princeton University and Dartmouth College are known for their focus on undergraduate teaching and also have smaller class sizes for a university of their size.

Remember to also consider this aspect during campus visits or virtual tours - you can often speak with current students about their experiences with faculty accessibility.

2 months ago

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