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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can anyone recommend good resources for critical reading on the SAT?

So, I'm pretty solid with math but my critical reading scores are dragging me down. Does anyone have suggestions for the best resources or strategies to improve SAT critical reading skills? I'm aiming for a significant score boost and would appreciate any advice you guys have. Thanks, fam!

a year ago

Hey there! I can totally relate to your situation – my own child was in the same boat not too long ago. We found that incorporating a mix of resources really helped get those critical reading scores up. Here’s what worked for us:

First, using the College Board’s Official SAT Study Guide was a no-brainer since it has actual past SAT reading passages. It gave a real sense of the types of questions to expect. Then, to complement that, we used Khan Academy’s free SAT prep. It adapts to your level as you practice, so it's quite personalized.

But the real game-changer was joining a study group. This way, they could discuss the passages and different approaches to the questions, which really seemed to aid in understanding tricky texts.

Additionally, reading a variety of articles, especially from publications like The New York Times or The Atlantic, helped build up those critical reading muscles by exposing my child to different writing styles and vocabulary.

Hopefully, mixing these resources and strategies can give you that score boost you’re aiming for. Best of luck!

a year ago

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