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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can someone share their experience with college decisions and coping strategies?

Hey guys, I think we all know the feeling of waiting for college decisions can be super stressful. Especially for someone like me whose anxiety hits the roof every now and then lol. For the seniors or those who've already been through the process, how did you manage the stress of waiting for decisions? Any tips on keeping cool?

11 months ago

It's certainly a nerve-wracking time, but something that helped our family when my child was waiting on decisions was establishing a no-college-talk zone or time. We implemented 'no decision discussions' during dinner, for instance. It gave everyone a break from the constant anticipation. Encouraging my child to keep busy with hobbies and friends also took their mind off the waiting game. Plus, I always emphasized that no matter the outcome, we were proud of the hard work already put in.

Regarding coping with anxiety, I gently nudged my child to try some mindfulness exercises and even did some together, like deep breathing and guided meditations – there are plenty of apps that can guide you through it. These practices seemed to reduce the edge when anxiety levels rose. Most importantly, just know that this period of uncertainty is temporary, and soon you'll have your answers. It's okay to feel anxious, but find those outlets that help you channel it productively or give you a break from it altogether. Hang in there!

11 months ago

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