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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Application Process for Recruited Athletes?

I'm a varsity player with some colleges looking at me, and I heard that recruited athletes go through a different application process? Do we have to apply like everyone else, or is it a separate thing entirely?

11 months ago

While recruited athletes do receive special consideration during the admissions process, you’ll basically undergo the standard application procedures. However, there are some distinctions.

Firstly, contact the athletic department at the schools where coaches have shown interest in you to understand their specific recruiting timelines and requirements. It’s important to maintain open and consistent communication with the coaches, as they may advocate for you with the admissions office.

Additionally, you will often be asked to submit an athletic resume that details your achievements, stats, and possibly a highlight reel.

Academic eligibility is also crucial; ensure that your GPA and standardized test scores meet the NCAA requirements if you are considering Division I or II schools. Colleges look for student-athletes who can succeed both academically and athletically.

Finally, be aware that you might receive a likely letter, which typically indicates an early and positive admissions decision for athletes. Stay proactive, maintain your grades, and keep in regular contact with your potential coaches.

11 months ago

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