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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Gains from College Education

I'm trying to figure out my post-high school plans, and I have this question. In your opinion, who benefits the most from a college education? Is it certain kinds of students, industries, careers, or something else?

2 days ago

The people who tend to benefit the most from a college education are students who possess certain traits and those who are aiming at careers in specific industries.

One trait is intellectual curiosity. Students who genuinely enjoy learning and want to dive deep into the nuances of a subject are prime candidates to leverage the resources and depth of knowledge available on a college campus.

Secondly, driven individuals also thrive in college. Those who have clear career goals and see a path through higher education to reach these objectives often get the most return on investment. The structure of a degree program can be conducive to building a solid base of knowledge and skills in a specific subject area.

As for careers, it's generally known that industries such as engineering, medicine, and law often require specific degrees and higher education qualifications. For these professions, a college education is almost always beneficial, if not required.

However, it's not just the traditional professions that can benefit from a college education. Artistic disciplines and many emerging industries also value higher education. For example, a person interested in digital technology can major in computer science, while someone who wants to go into filmmaking could study film and media. In these situations, the college serves as a springboard for entry into specialized fields.

But let me clarify that there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The value of a college education can vary widely based on individual traits, career goals, financial circumstances, and more. For some, the costs and time commitment associated with a four-year degree might not be the best fit, and they might find equal or greater benefits in trade schools, military service, or diving straight into the workforce. It's essential to consider all these factors when deciding the best post-high school path for you.

2 days ago

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