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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the Single Most Important Aspect of College Applications?

I've been doing extensive research into colleges lately, and now preparing for my applications. It's overwhelming with all the components—grades, test scores, extracurriculars, essays. But what is THE most important thing about college applications that I should really focus on? Trust me, I could use some advice!

2 months ago

While each aspect of the college application is important, the academic transcript—reflecting both the rigor of the courses and the grades earned—is often considered the foremost element in admissions. It demonstrates the core academic competencies you've gained over your high school years.

However, remember that selective colleges typically want to see more than just good grades. They like applicants who stand out with a "spike" or highly-developed specialty in a chosen field. For instance, if you're passionate about biology, building up extracurricular activities and experiences that tie to this interest can boost your application. It shows colleges that you're not only good at school, but you also have a focus outside of academics.

At the same time, well-crafted essays are essential. They give the admissions committee a glimpse into your personality, values, and motivations—factors just as crucial as academic scores. This is your opportunity to showcase what you can bring to their college community beyond academics.

Ultimately, a balanced combination of academic achievement, strong SAT/ACT scores, extracurricular involvement, and quality personal essays will make your application strong. However, if we have to pinpoint one, the academic record will be the most impactful aspect. It's advisable to allot a significant amount of effort to maintain solid grades in the most challenging courses available to you.

2 months ago

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