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Top Extracurriculars for a High School Student's Resume

Hey there, wondering what you all think are the most impressive extracurricular activities for a high schooler. You know, the kind that would really make a difference for college admissions? Open to all kinds of suggestions!

3 days ago

To determine what extracurricular activities would be impressive on a high school student's resume, it is important to consider the '4 Tiers of Extracurriculars'. This classification considers the level of achievement and leadership demonstrated in the activity to determine how impressive it is.

Tier 1 extracurriculars are the highest and show exceptional achievement on a national or international level. Examples would be winning a prestigious national award like the Intel Science Fair or being the leading scorer on a team that wins in a national sporting competition.

Tier 2 extracurriculars are also impressive, although more common than Tier 1. They highlight leadership and notable accomplishments. An example might be serving as the student body president, an Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper, or being the founder and president of a significant club in your school.

Tier 3 extracurriculars may not be as distinct but they still demonstrate commitment. Typically, these include leadership roles in clubs, regular volunteering, or starring in the school play.

Finally, Tier 4 activities are common but still show commitment and involvement which is still important. They include general club membership and general volunteering.

Remember that colleges are often more interested in the quality and depth of your involvement than the quantity of your activities. It's better to choose a few activities that you're passionate about and stick with them, demonstrating growth and leadership, rather than spreading yourself thin across many superficial commitments. Universities also highly value students who have a highly-developed specialty, also known as a “spike,” in certain areas where they have demonstrated significant achievement.

However, the most impressive extracurricular activity is one that you're genuinely passionate about and have dedicated significant time and effort. Admission officers can often tell if an activity is a genuine interest or something done just for the sake of looking good on an application. So, it's best to follow your interests and passions and find activities that align with those.

3 days ago

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