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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Does involvement in HBCU Greek life impact admissions or scholarships?

So, I've been super curious about the role of Greek life at HBCUs. For someone who's interested in joining once in college, will being a legacy or demonstrating interest in HBCU Greek life help with admissions or increase scholarship opportunities? Anyone with insight on this?

a year ago

Hey there! From my experience with my kid who is now at an HBCU, Greek life is a vibrant part of campus culture, but it doesn't really play a role in admissions decisions. Admissions committees tend to focus more on academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and personal essays for both admissions and scholarships. However, once you're enrolled at the HBCU and if you do join Greek life, there may be scholarship opportunities available through the organization itself for members. It's always a good idea to show genuine passion and interest in the activities you plan to pursue in college, as this shows you will. be an active member of the campus community, but it won't be the deciding factor in your admissions decision.

a year ago

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