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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Last-minute SAT/ACT test day tips?

Okay, my SAT/ACT is tomorrow and I'm kinda freaking out. Does anyone have any pro tips on what to do the night before or the morning of the test to help stay calm and focused? I've got my pencils ready, but what about my brain? LOL.

11 months ago

Firstly, it's totally normal to feel a bit anxious before a big test. Remember to take a deep breath and trust in your preparation. Tonight, give yourself a break from studying and relax. A calm evening can set the tone for tomorrow. Ensure your admission ticket, photo ID, calculator, and any snacks and water are packed. Get a good night's sleep, aiming for 8-9 hours if you can. In the morning, eat a healthy breakfast that includes protein to help keep your energy levels steady. Arrive at the test center early to avoid any last-minute rushes that could spike your stress levels. Right before the test, do some light stretching or deep breathing exercises to help release any tension. During the exam, if you start feeling overwhelmed, pause for a moment, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. It's about doing your best, not achieving perfection. Don't forget about helpful test taking tools like using the process of elimination, marking up the text in the reading section, and thoroughly reading directions and questions.

Good luck – you've got this!

11 months ago

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