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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any tips on handling SAT logistics?

I'm finding the whole process of registration, knowing what to bring, and all the things not to do kinda overwhelming... Does anyone have a comprehensive list or an 'encyclopedia' of sorts to manage SAT logistics, or any personal checklists that helped keep everything straight?

9 months ago

Absolutely, managing SAT logistics can feel quite daunting, but breaking it down helps a lot!

Firstly, make sure to register for the exam well before the deadline on the College Board website.

Leading up to the exam, create a checklist of items you'll need: your admission ticket, a photo ID, #2 pencils (not mechanical), a good eraser, an approved calculator, and a snack. The night before, pack everything in your bag. For everything you shouldn't bring or do, the College Board provides a list of prohibited items and actions on their website.

Also, make a plan to get to the testing center early – consider traffic and potential transportation issues.

It's also important to get a good night's sleep and have a healthy breakfast on test day.

Many students find it helpful to review this checklist the week of the exam just to ensure they've got everything covered.

9 months ago

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