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What is the most competitive college major to get into?

Hi folks, I've been researching into different college majors and noticed certain ones seem to be awfully competitive. It's kind of stressing me out a bit. What's the most competitive major to apply for? Is it the sciences? Business perhaps? Thanks for the help in advance!

2 months ago

It's noteworthy that the idea of a "most competitive" major can vary from one college to another. Typically, majors such as Computer Science, Nursing, and Engineering (especially at well-known tech or engineering schools) often see a high level of competition due to their increasing popularity and the strong job prospects they offer upon graduation.

For instance, Computer Science has seen a huge surge of interest in recent years, largely driven by the tech boom and perceived high salaries in the tech industry. Hence, it's often highly competitive in universities known for their programs in this field.

Similarly, undergraduate business programs like Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania or Haas at UC Berkeley can also be extremely competitive due to their reputation and the perceived high earning potential associated with a business degree.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, nursing programs tend to have a limited number of spots, which often makes them competitively sought after, although this may not be the case in all institutions.

So, the competitiveness of a major can depend heavily on the specific school and its strengths. Therefore, it's important to research the individual programs at each of the colleges you're interested in. However, it's also crucial to remember that you should choose a major based on your interests and career goals rather than perceived prestige or competitiveness. After all, you'll perform best in a field that genuinely interests you.

2 months ago

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