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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which years of high school are the most crucial?

Hey all, I’ve heard varying views on this and I’m a bit confused. Some say the junior year is the most important while others say colleges look most closely at the freshman and senior years. Can someone clarify which years are really the most important and why?

2 months ago

Every high school year plays a key role in the overall academic profile that you present to colleges, but some years might carry more weight, depending on their context.

Freshman year serves as your academic foundation in high school. While it's not as heavily scrutinized as later years, a strong freshman year can set the course for high-level course work in later years. However, if you started off slow, don't worry: colleges are interested in academic growth, and a weak freshman year can be mitigated by stronger performance in subsequent years.

Sophomore year is a time to get serious, as colleges definitely look at these grades. If you didn't do well freshman year, a jump in grades in sophomore year can show colleges you're improving your academic habits.

Junior year is often cited as the most important year for college admissions. It's the last full year of grades colleges see on your transcript before you apply, and it’s when you’ll likely take on more rigorous coursework such as AP or IB classes. Furthermore, junior year is often when students take standardized tests like the SAT or ACT.

Senior year grades are critical too. Even after admissions decisions are in, colleges pay attention to your final year's performance to ensure that you've maintained your diligence.

In sum, while junior year often stands out due to course rigor and the fact that it's the last complete year colleges see, every year contributes to your overall high school narrative. It's about progression, showing growth and maturation as a student over time as much as it is about individual yearly performance.

2 months ago

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