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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which Subjects Are High Schools Currently Looking For Teachers In The Most?

Hey guys, need a little bit of insight here. I'm considering going into teaching after graduation, specifically high school. I feel like I'd be pretty flexible about the subject I teach, but I'm just wondering, which subjects are typically most in need of teachers? Is there a frequent demand for certain subject areas over others? Any input would be appreciated!

2 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're considering a career in teaching. Positions in demand often fluctuate over time and across different regions but general trends do point towards a higher need in certain subject areas. Many districts commonly experience a higher demand for teachers in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), in particular areas like maths, biology, and physics, are often in high demand.

Besides that, special education teachers are also frequently sought after. Teachers with training and skills to cater to children with diverse learning needs are becoming increasingly crucial in our schools.

Another area you might look into is foreign languages. With growing importance placed on global competencies, districts often seek teachers who can educate students in widely spoken languages, such as Spanish, Mandarin, or French.

However, it's always important to examine the job market in your specific region or state, as teaching needs may differ locally. Also, remember that teaching where the demand is high can provide more job opportunities, but the most rewarding teaching career will likely come from teaching a subject you're passionate about. It's a balance!

2 months ago

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