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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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High School Facilities Expenses in Texas

Hey guys, just a quick question - anyone heard about the high school with the most expensive facilities in Texas? What makes this school's facilities stand out compared to others?

2 months ago

Allen High School, located in Allen, Texas, is known for having one of the most expensive high school football facilities in the nation. The Eagle Stadium, which was completed in 2012, reportedly cost around $60 million to build. The stadium features a seating capacity of 18,000 and includes a large, high-definition video screen, a weight room, wrestling practice room, and an indoor practice facility. The sheer size, amenities and cost make it stand out from other high school facilities not only in Texas, but also across the entire United States.

However, it's important to note that while extravagant facilities like these can enhance the student experience, they don't necessarily correlate with academic or athletic success. What truly matters is a school's curriculum, quality of teaching staff, and its commitment to student welfare and progress.

Remember, college admissions focus more on students' academic achievements, the rigor of their course load, and their personal qualities. Extracurricular achievements, including in sports, are also important, but even the most impressive athletic facilities won't make an impact on your college admission chances unless you actively participate in and excel at your sport. So, while attending a school with impressive facilities can be exciting, make sure you keep the big picture in mind.

2 months ago

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