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What are the most popular backpack brands for high schoolers?

Shopping for a new backpack for the next academic year but not sure which ones are the most popular or durable among high school students. Any suggestions? It would be cool if it could hold a lot of books but also be stylish.

2 months ago

When it comes to backpacks, there's always a mix of functionality, durability, and style that high school students often look for. Here are a few brands that are quite popular among this age group:

1. The North Face: Known for durability and comfort, The North Face offers a range of backpacks that are able to hold many books and also weather resistant. Styles like the "Borealis" and "Jester" tend to be popular with high school students due to their multiple pockets and stylish looks.

2. JanSport: JanSport tends to be a popular choice among students because of its various designs and affordability. The Big Student Backpack has plenty of space for books and also includes a dedicated laptop sleeve.

3. Herschel: A more fashionable and sleek option, Herschel backpacks come with a signature striped liner that students often find attractive. "The Little America" and "Heritage" styles are frequently spotted in high school hallways.

4. Fjällräven Kånken: Originating from Sweden, these have taken off in popularity due to their distinct square shape, wide range of colors, and durability. They are designed such that they can be either a backpack or a bag which some students find very convenient.

5. Patagonia: Known for their commitment to sustainability, Patagonia backpacks like the "Refugio" hit the mark for space, comfort, and style. They also feature a padded laptop sleeve and are made of water-repellent fabric.

Given the different styles and features, I would recommend visiting their websites or even a local store if available to determine which backpack would be the best fit for your needs. Be sure to consider the size, number of compartments, water-resistance, and the comfort of the shoulder straps among other factors.

2 months ago

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