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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges with gap year programs look at your application differently?

I’m curious about taking a gap year before college for personal growth and maybe some travel. Do colleges that support gap year programs view applicants planning a gap year in a different light? How should I mention my plan for a gap year in my application?

9 months ago

Sure, colleges that offer formal gap year programs often see the desire to take a gap year as a positive indication of a student's maturity and thirst for experiential learning. It's important to articulate this in your applications. When you explain your plans for a gap year, focus on how the experience will contribute to your personal growth and how it aligns with your long-term goals. Present it as a constructive period where you'll be gaining skills, perspectives, and experiences that will enhance your future college experience.

As an example, if you plan to study international relations and you're spending your gap year volunteering with a global charity, make that connection clear. It's impressive if you can demonstrate that your gap year will be purposeful and complements your educational and career aspirations. Colleges often appreciate students who are self-directed and take initiative to enrich their lives and understand the world around them. Remember to check individual college policies though, as some might require you to apply for a deferral after being admitted, rather than during the initial application process.

9 months ago

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